ecta covid-19 statement

Practically every business sector in Europe is severely hit by the COVID-19 virus. This also applies to chemical production sites, chemical logistics and buyers and users of chemical products. Like the world around us, we are all confronted with ever changing rules and regulations and all kinds of restrictions.

For ECTA and its members, the health of people in general and that of the people in chemical logistics in particular, will always have the highest priority.

In all countries that ECTA members serve many excellent examples are witnessed. They show how people and companies are trying to cope with this changing situation and how they cooperate with each other splendidly. However, there is a growing number of loading and unloading sites that are no longer providing even the most basic facilities. This makes the work of our members’ drivers exceedingly (and unnecessarily) difficult. Above all, everybody understands that these are difficult times, this can never be a reason to approach our drivers in a respectless manner. In conclusion, we request and require that those sites get their facilities and personnel brought back to an acceptable level.

In addition, we invite the representatives of good, professional stakeholders to share their best practices to these lesser brothers and sisters.

ECTA'S recommendations

ECTA asks each stakeholder to keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • Ensure truck drivers can do their work at loading/unloading sites in a healthy way. Provide possibilities for personal hygiene and sanitation in line with the local rules and regulations.
  • Make sure truck drivers can do their job safely obeying to the rules of social distancing.
  • Make sure that cleaning schedules of waiting rooms, reporting area’s and truck driver eating places are intensified.
  • Provide on site (if possible) additional protection for instance disposable face masks, disposable gloves, etc.
  • We are in this together, don’t ask drivers for the impossible. Be realistic in your demands, we need each other to keep the business running.

And above all, as we always ask you, treat our truck drivers with respect, the same respect you give to your employees.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The European Chemical Transport Association