ECTA Workgroups
ECTA forms workgroups in order to study improvement possibilities. Topics are concerning health, safety, security and environmental performance of land transport operators in Europe.
Outcomes of ECTA workgroups are Guidelines produced by ECTA only or in cooperation with other European Associations.
ECTA’s involvement in the workgroups can be devided into two categories:
1. Taking part in Issue-Teams. The objective is to address sustainability aspects related to one subject. Mostly these Issue-Teams are dissolved after the completion of a Best Practise Guideline.
2. Taking part in Committees. The objective is to participate in the continuous improvement process for chemical logistics, particularly related to sustainability aspects.
Current committees
- EU Digital Logistics and Transport Forum
- Observer Global Logistics Emission Council
- ECTA’s Technical and Responsible Care Committee
- CEFIC’s SQAS Technical and Accreditation Committee
- CEFIC’s SQAS Taskforce
- EPCA’s Supply Chain Program Committee
- ECLIC’s Project Steering Committee and ECLIC Board
- CEFIC Digital Network of Experts