ECTA Drivers APP - News and Updates

Welcome to the ECTA Drivers APP News!

On this page, we will inform you about changes/news/updates on the ECTA Drivers APP. Have a look from time to time, because we will update this page regularly.

  • 07.03.2025: 
    Draka Cables in Emmen was added as location. 
    We are currently reporting towards the shippers about your reviews and give them also the chance for an industry benchmark to learn about their performance in comparison to the other parties of the industry. 
    We have a lot of shippers that support our initiative: 
    BASF Antwerpen with 2 gates
    Dow Europe (Tarragona, Stade, Terneuzen)
    Arkema in France
    Stolthaven (UK, BE, NL)
    INEOS Styrolution Antwerp
    INEOS Styrolution Wingles
    INEOS Styrolution Ludwigshafen (bulk)
    INEOS Styrolution Ludwigshafen (packed)
    INEOS Styrolution Köln
    INEOS Styrolution Schwarzheide
    Advario Stolthaven Antwerp
    Evonik across Europe
    Repsol (TARRAGONA/El Morell + SINES + PUERTOLLANO + POLIDUX S.A (Repsol))

    More  are pending and we are constantly reaching out to more. We also see the willingness to improvements! Thanks for your inputs, they are very valued and appreciated!!
  • 29.08.2024: 
    We received the information that some of you are missing major locations to rate in our APP. We are sorry to hear! If you are missing a location, you have two options to help us adding it: 
    a) Send us the name and address of the location either to OR submit it via the feedback form of the APP (blue button on the map). We will check it and upload it for you!
    b) Tell the company which invited you to the ECTA Drivers APP to inform ECTA about the missing locations. 
    Thank you! 
  • 22.07.2024: 
    We started the reporting towards bad-performing locations! We hope to motivate them to improve their workflow and systems in place, based on your review! Thank you for making this possible by being an active part of our ECTA Drivers APP! You and your voice matters!
  • 19.07.2024: 
    The chemical industry is coming on-board! We are happy to tell you that we were able to convince big players to support the ECTA Drivers APP! We do have the following locations as cooperation partners. This means that they hang ECTA Drivers APP Posters at their locations and encourage drivers to rate. In exchange, they receive an anonymous report based on your reviews twice a year to improve their workflows and systems in place: 
    BASF Antwerpen with 2 gates
    Dow Europe (Tarragona, Stade, Terneuzen)
    Arkema in France
    Stolthaven (UK, BE, NL)
    INEOS Styrolution Antwerp
    INEOS Styrolution Wingles
    INEOS Styrolution Ludwigshafen (bulk)
    INEOS Styrolution Ludwigshafen (packed)
    INEOS Styrolution Köln
    INEOS Styrolution Schwarzheide
    Advario Stolthaven Antwerp
    Evonik Marl
    Evonik Wesseling
    more to follow!
  • 25.06.2024: 
    From today on, you can download our ECTA Drivers APP from the APP Store (IOS and Android)! Download the APP now – the functionalities will not change!
    The Terms of Services changed, please have a look here!
  • 21.05.2024: 
    Today, we released new features to the ECTA Drivers APP: 
    a) An error message, if a driver tries to register with an already in the system existing email address.
    b) A new, optional, checkbox for the ratings. Rate now, if the locations are lady-friendly.
    c) Mark your locations as favourites via the star-symbol on top of the location details. Favourites will be visible on top in your search bar!

    The Native APP will come this summer!

  • 17.01.2024: 
    A Native APP is coming! We do not have a timeline yet, but soon you will be able to download the ECTA Drivers APP from your APP-Stores.
  • 17.01.2024: 
    We uploaded new locations and started to upload Terminals too. 
  • 09.01.2024: 
    New locations are available! You can rate 703 locations now.
    Thank you for your contribution – we appreciate each voting!
  • 19.12.2023: 
    New locations are available!
  • 27.10.2023: 
    Our APP Developer and supplier currently struggles with a server error. This might affect your access to the APP. Please note that we are actively working on solving the issue. We are very sorry for the inconvenience! 
  • 20.10.2023: 
    The following implementations are active now: 
    A) For drivers: 
    – Leave an additional comment with your rating (optional)
    – Confirmation pop-up message after submitting a rating
    – Maximum rating amount per day and location: 1
    – Search bar for locations has filter options now: E.g. you want to find all BASF locations in Belgium – type in search bar: BASF BE

    B) For ECTA Partners:
    – You have a forgot password function now
    – Timezones for submitted ratings were added
    – You have an additional “review” tab in your account now to see what locations your drivers rated. NOT HOW THEY RATED!

  • 02.10.2023: 
    We listened to your feedback! New features will be implemented during the next month: 
    – Confirmation after a driver has submitted a rating
    – Extend the allowed duration for login links from 5min to 30 minutes
    – Your ECTA Partner will see how many ratings you did, but not how you rated (this information will stay confident to your ECTA Partner at all time!!)
    – A driver will only be able to rate a specific location once per day
    – Search functionalities for locations will improve. You can soon filter for specific locations in a specific country: e.g.: Dow BE – for Dow locations in Belgium. 
    – You can fill in text at your ratings if you want to explain your rating further.
  • 02.10.2023:
    The public communication about the ECTA Drivers APP started.
  • 10.08.2023: 
    The first anonymous results of your ratings will be published publicly by ECTA in Q2 of 2024. Details to be published soon.