ECTA Drivers APP – project update
The ECTA Drivers APP took a step forward this summer, by rolling out a Native APP Version of it. Since the APP is available in the IOS and Android APP Stores, an increase in registered drivers and ratings was noticeable over summer.
ECTA is happy to see already more than 1600 drivers being registered, rating almost 1000 locations across Europe. Furthermore, more and more ECTA members join the initiative.
To thank drivers for their active participation and to show them that their feedback matters, ECTA awarded the most active drivers – by number of ratings and comments – with an ECTA Drivers APP Certificate, which was very well received.
A new feature of our ECTA Drivers APP is a checkbox asking, “Is this location female driver friendly?”. This rating field was implemented, because ECTA does see female drivers as an important factor to reduce the driver shortage. Making the driver profession more attractive to women, would be one way to address the problem in the next 10 years.
A big milestone was to get the shippers on board with the project. At the moment ECTA cooperates with a handful of chemical shippers who actively try to increase their rating numbers by reminding drivers visiting their sites to rate.
In exchange, ECTA reports the sites´ rating – in an anonymized way – to help them understand their own safety, facilities and operational improvement areas and allow them to benchmark themselves across the industry.
After starting the APP more than one year ago, ECTA is still learning how to improve the flows and how to best motivate companies and drivers to join the ECTA Drivers APP. It is a joint initiative, and the success is depending on all parties involved – help us make it happen, join us:
how to contribute
We warmly invite everyone to contribute to the ECTA DRIVERS APP with the goal of improving the chemical truck driver job satisfaction and driver well being in Europe!
Options for contribution are depending on your role in the logistics chain.
- You are an ECTA Full Member? Reach out to us with your interest to join the APP!
- You are a Driver? Reach out to your company/companies that are ECTA Full Member with your interest of joining.
- You are a chemical (un)loading site or terminal? Reach out to us with your interest to provide your locations´ data and a collaboration!
- You are not an ECTA Full Member but want to see specific (un)loading locations in the ECTA DRIVERS APP? Reach out to us with your interest to provide your locations´data!