Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the ECTA drivers app

Read all FAQ about our ECTA Drivers APP.

A: An APP for truck drivers of the chemical logistics industry. Drivers can anonymously rate their daily experiences at (un)loading locations and terminals based on safety, waiting times, truck driver treatment and facilities. 

A: Our APP is open to all drivers who drive for our ECTA Members. The access to the APP can be given by the ECTA Member. 
Or you reach out to us directly: and we will contact your responsible administrator.

A: ECTA gathered about 1000 (un)loading locations and terminals across Europe which are active in (un)loading of chemical goods. 
These locations can be rated from 1 to 5 stars and open text fields based on safety, waiting time, truck driver treatment and facilities. Moreover, it can be rated if a location is female driver friendly.

A: The ECTA Drivers APP needs to be seen as benchmark tool and does not intend to replace existing near miss reporting systems. 
ECTA tries to nudge change at the shipper´s side by informing them about their reports (anonymized). 
It is important to rate each loading/unloading process to make sure the reports do paint a picture over time and that a good or bad performance is not a one-day peek. 

A: All submitted ratings are treated anonymously. ECTA is the only party that can review individual ratings. 
ECTA follows up with locations that receive negative feedback to inform the locations (anonymously) about their results and with the aim to motivate them for change. 

A: ECTA´s  main aim is to improve standards for drivers and so we work behind the scenes to try to ensure that drivers comments are acted upon. Sometimes this takes time and we would ask you to be patient and to continue to provide your ratings.
Moreover, please understand that the ECTA Drivers APP does not intend to replace existing near miss reporting systems. Ratings in the ECTA Drivers APP give ECTA the chance to help you as a neutral party to improve your daily work conditions. 

A: No, the ECTA Drivers APP does not replace existing tools/systems to report near misses and incidents which require immediate attention. The ECTA Drivers APP is a benchmark tool with the aim improve the overall chemical industry performance and drive continuous improvement to make the truck driver job more attractive.

A: ECTA believes that positive and negative feedback is both of major importance to improve the industry. 
By sharing positive experience in the ECTA Drivers APP you celebrate companies that are doing a great job. By that, ECTA gets informed that a certain company is a best practice company and other parties can learn from their workflows. 

So far, ECTA can ensure that the APP is used to submit positive, as well as negative experiences.

A: To make sure all ratings are done by 100% truck drivers only, ECTA has a validation system in place. 
All drivers get invited by our ECTA members, who then need to validate each driver before the first rating can be submitted. 
With that process we make sure that each driver is linked to a LSP and is currently driving for this LSP. 

A: In the name of transparency, ECTA published the average ratings of locations of the ECTA Drivers APP within the APP after 30 submitted ratings. 
To wait for at least 30 ratings is important to paint a valid and fair picture.
These publications can be used as benchmark of the chemical industry, to reflect on the individual performance. 

ECTA cooperates with certain target locations across Europe. These locations are granted access to anonymous, annual reporting about their ratings in order to improve their workflows for drivers. 

Next to anonymous and average ratings, ECTA does not offer insights. 

A: You miss a location? Reach out to us and we will add it:

A: ECTA has a system in place to avoid this. 
With the focus on fair ratings, a driver can only rate a location once a day. 
ECTA moreover, checks regularly on data correctness. 

Are there still open questions after the FAQ? Contact us!