The first ECTA digitalisation webinar was a real success!
On Thursday June 28th, the ECTA digitalization workgroup organized its first digitalisation webinar. With the title “How to enable automated data exchanges in bulk chemical logistics” , Bertschi, HOYER and Van den Bosch explained how to implement the ECTA digital best practice guidelines and shared their insights and challenges. In addition, ECTA drew the attention that digital standards are a pre-requisite to set up smooth digital collaborations and workable solutions across an “end to end” transport and logistics chain.
That this topic is of growing importance was confirmed by the more than 130 registrations and more than 85 live webinar participants.
After a short intro whereby Peter Devos did set the scene on digital standards and its historical importance, ECTA was very happy that Linda Krielaart from Van den Bosch kicked off the webinar by explaining the transport order data standards. Johanna Klassen from HOYER continued by sharing her thoughts on the transport visibility guideline and Cedric Walti from Bertschi finished the webinar explanatory session with the transport order invoice data where even more work is required to further reduce the number of invoice free text data fields.
The webinar participants did appreciate the professionalism, the good and clear explanation and enjoyed the fact that the individual company talks were backed up with very practical examples. Answering questions and sharing the expertise in an open way while highlighting the challenges and resistance they are facing to make progress with ECTA digital standards, was also very much appreciated.
The introductory slides are openly available at ECTA’s website, if you are interested in the recording of the webinar, please reach out to
In addition, we are happy share the webinar wordcloud result below on the question “what limits partners to use the ECTA digital standards the most? “

This first successful webinar further motivates the ECTA digitalisation workgroup to organize two more ECTA digitalisation webinars In the second half of 2023. The next webinar will focus on equipment and truck and truck driver data standards while the last ECTA webinar will share an update on e-documents (eECD and eCMR). If you do not want to miss the next webinar invite, please subscribe to the ECTA newsletter. We also openly invite all readers to come up with new digital subjects to be addressed in 2024 which can be sent to